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The studio is dialed in and streamlined, and I have been making major strides over the last few weeks.
I finally got my workspace arranged in a way that allows me to flow much more easily between recording different instruments.
Also resolved some massive bugs in the system.... the Lavender Lounge is quite cozy and productive these days


Happy new year!
This is my first blurb of the new year, and I have not played a single gig in 2023 which is such a strange feeling, I don't even know what day it is anymore!
I am taking advantage of the down time, and have been recording tracks in the studio and really getting the studio workflow dialed in to make it easy to pop in and record whatever instrument I need wihout having to change anything, and also getting settings dialed in for maxumum sound quality.
I've been in a creative mood, and I'm really trying to get an album put together by summer. I know I have said this before so I don't like to even say it, but I'm setting daily ti,mes to put in the work, and that really is the secret to getting things done.
I will start Tuedays at The Inn starting 1/31, and I am looking forward to it!


As we approach the end of March, things are about to really kick into gear.
I have added even more gigs to the calendar , and it still has some filling out do yet!
I have 2 Friday night gigs left at The Inn, and after Easter I will switch to Tuesdays. The restaurants are playing it by ear as to when music starts, but I imagine April will go from being relatively slow to a full sprint.

I am still making progress in the studio daily, and lots of exciting things are happening!


Dear Diary,

It's a beautiful day on Hatteras Island, and I am playing guitar on my front porch surrounded by 5 golden retrievers (one of them a new addition named Louie) and a cat, eagerly working out new material for the coming music season, and being very excited about all of it!

I am finding myself adding more Sublime songs now that I have a dog named Louie (the name came with him), as well as some more challenging songs in the realm of multitasking multiple instruments and rhythms.
Since last we spoke, I have beefed up my calendar a bit, with more gigs in the works.
And I am still working daily in the studio recording new material. It's a little slow going at the moment, because
I am working on multiple songs at once, which should eventually streamline the process.

I am currently recording bass lines for 4 songs, and am almost done with the fourth one.
After that, I will set up for another instrument, and will record parts for those four songs, then the next instrument, vocals etc, which means at a certain point I will basically have 4 songs done at nearly the same time.

And of course some of them will have music videos, including the new Kesney song which will be the most fun of all.
If you want to be in the video, stay tuned for details and get ready to partaaayyyyy yeeehaaawwww!!

I will be at the Inn/Cafe Pamlico tomorrow night, which is pretty much my only winter gig..things kick off for real in May!


March is on the march!

Something about the first of March just shifts gears in my mind and spirit in a major way, it isn't so much different than February 28th, but it sure sounds better!
I am looking forward to what will hopefully be a more 'normal' season, with a lot more fun and freedom thrown into the mix.
It's a little early yet, but I am putting out my feelers and lining up gigs.
I am still working in the studio daily on recording original music, and I will also be revamping this website for a more dynamic experience.
Stay tuned, and happy March to all!


Happy New Year!
We have entered into full-on Winter mode here on Hatteras Island, when most of the restaurants are closed for the season.
Therefore all of my weekly gigs are on hiatus. There may be a stray gig here or there, but things are going to be nearly silent on the live show front for quite some time.
Depending on what the governor says, I may start playing put again in Fe4bruary, but it's really impossible to speculate in these completely insane times.
I am, however, committed to using this time wisely, and making this quiet stetch as un-quiet as possible.
I will be working on the studio recordings, as well as hopefully posting live perforances of some new material I am working on.
Stay tuned!


We are coming to the end of the season at Breakwater, just playing it by ear at this point, but I will be there this Thursday 6-9, as well as the Inn Friday night 6-9.

In other news, the new studio room, aka the Lavenger Lounge, is operational, and I am putting time in daily as I record 2 albums simultaneously.


Happy Thanksgiving!
I will not be at Breakwater this week but will be at The Inn on Pamlico Sound Friday night 6-9pm.
See you there!



